Kao Ping River Bridge
Project Location
Kaohsiung & Pingtung County,
Southern Taiwan
Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau (TANFB)
Services Period
From September 1991
to May 2005
Type of Services
Engineering Design and Construction Supervision
Project Overview
The Kao Ping River Bridge is a 2,617 meter long bridge on Taiwan's National Freeway No. 3 linking the southern areas of Kaohsiung and Pingtung County.
The bridge features one of the world's longest single pylon cable-stayed bridges, an asymmetric bridge consisting of a 330m long main span of fully welded steel girder, and a 180m long side span of PC girder. This cable stayed bridge is also highlighted by the 183.5m high pylon tower structure which holds up both of the spans with 28 sets of stay cables.
Cable Stayed Bridge Description:
Bridge type: Asymmetric single pylon hybrid cabled stayed bridge
Length: 510 meters
Width: 34.5 meters
Pylon: 183.5 meters high inverse Y-shaped RC structure (hollow section with varying dimension from 9 meters to 4.98 meters)
Girder: Side span is PC box girder and the main span is an orthotropic steel box girder --- A fully welded structure, including the field joints (no bolt connections!)
Accordingly with the site conditions, the Kao Ping River Bridge is divided into six units and three different types of structures:
Unit 1: The 510 meter long cable-stayed bridge,
Units 2 to 3: Prestressed concrete structures constructed by the free-cantilever method with typical spans of 80 meters and 120 meters, and
Units 4 to 6: Prestressed concrete structures constructed by the advancing shoring method with typical spans of 45.5 meters.
Since its completion, the Kao Ping River Bridge has brought the communities and people of southern Taiwan closer together and serves as a major landmark symbolizing the advancement of economic progress in Taiwan.